Mid-Q3 2023 Article Summaries (3 Levels of Wealth)
Interesting Facts and 3 levels of wealth
In this article, he talks about how the creator of Slack defines 3 levels of wealth (funny, interesting, and true)
Also, a look at how middle-income and high-income are defined. And net worth levels are compared
More Money = more happiness?
One study said yes. Another study said yes, but only until $75,000/yr to $100,000/yr income levels.
So they got together and looked at their data to see what the discrepancy was.
Turns out, if you are grumpy, your money happiness will peak at $100,000/year of earnings.
But if you are optimistic, the sky is the limit.
Living off dividends--the old way
You might have heard (or still hear) someone say they want to invest enough so they can just live off the stock dividends (thus never touch the principal).
It sounds good, but in reality it doesn't work that way. And especially if you start tilting your portfolio toward larger dividend-paying stocks and thus lose diversification.
5 steps to financial freedom
Alan Roth gives a summary of a new book called Humble Dollar, by Jonathan Clements.
I'm a big fan of Jonathan Clements and used to enjoy reading his columns in the Wall Street Journal.
He interviews 30 people and gives some summary--5 specific steps folks can follow to obtain financial freedom.