Mid-Q4 2023 Article Summaries (Why is Enough so Elusive)

How Do Millionaires Invest?
Turns out, not much differently than you and I.

It's interesting how
poorly hedge funds have done compared to just an S&P 500 Index fund (see that chart about 2/3rds of the way down).

We Get To Decide What We Focus On
less stress about your money (and probably other things too)? Carl Richards sums it up wonderfully in this quick article.
And if you haven't already, I highly recommend you subscribe to his weekly email--they are short and insightful.

Why Is Enough So Elusive?
At least read the first couple of paragraphs in this article, telling the
story about Joseph Heller (author of Catch-22). Jack Boggle also quotes this story in his book Enough.

Later in the article are some soul-searching questions to ponder or chat about with your spouse.

How Your House Makes You Miserable
For many people, their home is their biggest financial asset, so it’s natural to want to preserve its value.

But don't get the cart before the horse. Yes, your house is an asset, but think of it primarily as your home--
something you can comfortably live in.

Jered Skousen