Mid-Q2 2021 Article Summaries (4 Lessons for Retirement Savings)

4 Lessons for Retirement Savings
I love the research and information Paul Merriman gives. Here's a good example of his work. Teaser: when you start investing, what you invest in matters little; when you get to retirement, what you invested in makes a huge difference.
If you love numbers and breaking things down, spend some time on Paul's website and read a few more of his articles.

If Social Security were a private retirement fund, we’d sue
I usually don't like to dwell on the negative things of life, so pass over this one if you don't want your blood to boil a little. It is good information to know, and another reason for you to be suspicious of government solutions (as if you weren't already?)

AZ Just Found a Way to Reduce Healthcare Costs
And to even things out, here is a good-news story. Turns out, when we let capitalism work its magic (that means you and I decide what we want to trade our hard-earned dollars for) things improve. One of the 50 great states is trying a new approach, and we can all learn from it (if it works, use it; if not, don't do it)

Why Today's Most Valuable Stocks Won't Be Tomorrow's
This is a fun read, but make sure you watch the quick video that shows the top companies through the years. You are invested in a broadly diversified portfolio--and there is a reason why. Mankind has a terrible track record of guessing the single next best thing, so we invest in them all :)

Jered Skousen