Mid-Q3 2022 Article Summaries (When will the markets be normal?)

Social Security/Medicare Funding
The annual projection for insolvency is out. Headline-seekers say the sky is falling. I don't believe that. I think 1) Congress will act (the sooner the better!), and 2) Retirees and those close to retirement will see little change. Why? Retirees vote!
And if nothing happens? In 2035, a 20% cut in benefits or 30% increase in FICA taxes keeps it solvent until 2096 (painful, but not dismantled).


When will the market return to normal?
(Spoiler, it never will) Allan Roth points out that this recent bear market is normal.
We as investors get paid an extra return on our money because we endure the ups and downs of the market. (OK, not many folks "endure" the ups--but we can get over-excited about where our portfolio will go). For those seeking smooth returns, there are CDs or savings accounts.

Jered Skousen