Mid-Q2 2020 Article Summaries (Optimism, pandemic, and other fun financial topics)

Use your worry to plan, then turn down your worry
Your financial life has a plan--and it gives calm in the midst of a storm. Apply the same principle to this current situation--use the best information you have (and all that mental energy) to generate a plan. Then let your brain (and worry) work on other things.

Healthier and able to handle stress better?
How much sweat (and time!) have you used up to become healthier? I've spent quite a bit. There's an additional way to improve, if you are interested. It will make you more resilient to disease, able to handle stress better, and happier too. Sound like snake oil? Not quite, and it's simpler--and yet harder--than your current exercise regiment.
      Here's an additional article on how this improves your immune system too.

DFA Video
When the market goes down, we've all been tempted to sell all and wait. It sounds so appealing to park in cash until the market is "regular" again. But like the fan who goes for treats and misses the big home run, missing a few big days in the market can make all the difference.

We've done some great things, and we can do it again
American ingenuity has created some great things. And we've weathered some daunting storms! I believe in you. We will get through this crisis and be better off when it is all over.

Jered Skousen