Mid-Q3 2019 Article Summaries (Equifax settlement)

The Equifax settlement is in: you may get free money or credit monitoring
If your data was impacted by the Equifax data breach (and here is a link to see if that is the case), you can ask for free credit monitoring for 10 years or a cash payment--up to (but probably won't be as much as) $125 per person. This article explains the ins and outs.

CD offers that are too good to be true 
You may hear of banks that offer a great CD rate--much higher than the going rate. You are correct to be skeptical. Here is a quick read about this new scheme some banks are using to lure you in.

Financial Advisers bring more life happiness
Who knew? Actually, it probably isn't that much of a surprise--having someone help with one of the trickier parts of life should help all the other parts of life run smoother. In a recent study, 92% of people said getting their finances right was their #1 happiness indicator. 

Seeing it visually--and easing your worries 
The last 18 months have been rather blah--market going up a little and down a little, but not doing enough up compared to the down. Take a quick read (and view the graph) in this article for a reminder that the market has been rewarded investors, much more to the positive than the negative.

Jered Skousen